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Its mission is to improve human health and well-being through basic research, education, and development ventures that transform discoveries into cures.
The New England Aquarium combines education, entertainment and action to address the most challenging problems facing the oceans. We aim to create a new generation of ocean stewards, while providing regional, national and global leadership in marine conservation. The New England Aquarium is the only Boston-based cultural institution with a mission focused primarily on the environment, promoting the importance of protecting the blue planet through innovative exhibits and educational programs
We use science to educate and protect. This is our mission. This is what drives us relentlessly forward. The challenges facing this critical apex predator are many, and seemingly overwhelming. More than 100 million are slaughtered every year for their fins. Climate change is dramatically disrupting the oceanic ecosystem and food chain. And mankind’s attitudes are indifferent at best; savage at worst. We believe science—rigorous, peer-reviewed, professional—can inform and guide governing bodies and society at large to conservation policies that ensure the sustainability of all shark species.
To Advance The Study Of The Security And Vulnerability Of Public And Private Information Systems And Infrastructures. To Facilitate Scientific Research For The Purpose Of Developing Applications Useful In Improving The Security Of Such Systems And Infrastructures And To Disseminate Information On And Conduct Seminars, Conferences, Study Groups, And Research Regarding Such Issues.
AnnieCannons is a registered 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to training survivors of human trafficking in programming and other skills demanded by today's technology companies. We carefully and compassionately assess the aptitude and interest of each survivor in our program and offer literacy, personal finance, and computer literacy training across the student population. We continue by training interested candidates in quality assurance management, web design, and application programming and then helping them practice skills on anti-trafficking technologies as well as, eventually, securing clients on their behalf. Our approach provides the first viable means for directing economic power into the hands of trafficking survivors on a massive scale. That economic power can, in turn, allow survivors to drive necessary economic growth in their own communities and act as change agents by decreasing the vulnerability of communities to trafficking. After a successful proof-of-concept phase in the Bay Area, we will translate and adapt our curriculum for residents at international trafficking rehabilitation shelters, especially in less-developed countries. To that end, we have forged partnerships with NGOs and shelters in Myanmar, India and Romania that are prepared to assist in this translation process. Once we have trained a critical mass of survivors (approximately 26) with in-demand tech skills, we have modeled a means to self-fund: we would handle the branding, marketing, and sale of software development and support services by our trainees on a contractor basis, with the help of US-based sales and marketing teams. The vast majority of contractor fees would go directly into survivors' pockets, but the organization would retain a modest commission that will fund training more survivors and curating a work environment conducive to success. While no graduate would ever be required to work in our organization, we would offer a work environment tailored to be female- and survivor-friendly (for example, with on-site childcare, counseling, nutrition, and security services). We believe that this model can be scaled to cities around the world with high rates of human trafficking and unemployment.
The Lobster Conservancy (TLC) works with fishermen and volunteers throughout the Gulf of Maine region to sustain a thriving lobster fishery through science and community.
The Mission Create living-wage jobs, while establishing Haitian owned and operated small businesses, through the production of affordable charcoal using environmentally sustainable biomass and a financially sustainable business model and to work with other NGO's and organization to serve Haiti's poorest families. Vision Provide an environment that enables and encourages right-relationships with God, other people, and God's creation. To promote collaboration and networking with businesses and organizations working in Haiti and in alternative energy projects throughout the Caribbean. To use these relationships to support self-sufficient businesses throughout Haiti which provide services to people of every economic status and develop educated, capable professionals from within the local community. To increase the awareness of the plight of Haitian people through service and immersion projects and mission trips. Collaborate with businesses and organizations working in Haiti and throughout the Caribbean adding value to the joint effort via our renewable energy technology and methods. Facilitate the creation and growth of truly sustainable businesses in Haiti and the Caribbean. Core Values In order to fulfill our mission, achieve our goals and implement our vision, we believe that treating others with Dignity, Respect, Compassion and Integrity are keys to success. We also believe that proper Stewardship leads to true Sustainability and long term success. Building quality lives and strong communities through... DIGNITY We will treat everyone as we ourselves want to be treated treat others with honor and appreciation RESPECT We will demonstrate our esteem for the worth of all life and creation through our acceptance and appreciation for all believe in the inherent dignity of all people honor self and others through words and actions COMPASSION We will strive to help eliminate the suffering of those we employ, serve and collaborate with understand the circumstances and viewpoints of others develop the capacity to forgive others and ourselves promote a peaceful, caring and safe community INTEGRITY We will say what we believe and do what we say be honest with ourselves and others demonstrate fairness in our judgments and actions fulfill commitments and promises STEWARDSHIP We will be responsible for overseeing and protecting all our resources, human and natural take ownership of our behavior be reliable and trustworthy SUSTAINABILITY We will believe that true leadership begets leaders find positive ways to contribute to the broader community share time and talents with others
The Hack Foundation Is A Nonprofit Corporation Organized And Operated Exclusively For Educational And Charitable Purposes. The Specific Purpose Of This Organization Is To Instruct Or Train Individuals For The Purpose Of Improving Or Developing Their Capabilities In Stem.
Its mission is to promote the dignity of the person through development activities, with special attention to education. ACDI recognizes the uniqueness of each person, who cannot be reduced to a number within an anonymous category such as "the poor, the sick, the disabled". Furthermore, every person and every community represents a resource, regardless of their vulnerability. This is why ACDI works to help people in becoming aware of their own value and dignity.
SOLE Colombia aims to transform the future of learning in Colombia by empowering thousands of educators, librarians and community leaders with the SOLE methodology. We do this by making use of existing computers and internet in public places and designing strategies for self-organized learning to be widely practiced throughout the country, analyzing its ability to transform communities and consolidating a community of SOLE Ambassadors and network of volunteers to encourage learning. The aim is to stimulate curiosity and creativity, technological fluidity, collaboration, self-direction, critical thinking, communication skills, global connections and generally, have fun. Our main goal is to scale this project so that it can reach more than 1,400 public libraries, more than 42,000 public schools and more than 8,000 public kiosks throughout the country, as well as participate from the peace-building process reaching hundreds of rural communities affected by the civil conflict.
MISSION: To foment integral human development of the local underserved communities FOUNDING PRINCIPLES: It is a non profit organization created by the founders and shareholders of PUNTACANA Resort & Club, to formulate and to develop initiatives that contribute to the local and national human development. VALUES: Generosity- Compassion- Integrity- Make a difference GOALS: To create and support educational projects To create and support community health projects To foment communitarian developments projects that promote the sports and healthful lifestyle To promote the development of art and culture in the community To promote the ethics and social transparency.
EDD mission: "We transform the lives of Rwandan street children by meeting their basic and psychosocial needs, providing them with education and skills, and reintegrating them to become valuable members of society."