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As a national infrastructure organization for the nonprofit sector, the Japan NPO Center works to strengthen the social, political and economic support base for voluntary nonprofit organizations in Japan, and builds new and innovative forms of partnership with the government and the private sector, encouraging them to act as co-creators of robust civil society.
To contribute towards post conflict reconstruction of Northern Uganda through, coordinate action research, modern telecommunication system and entrepreneurship skills.
To organize people in to the groups and prepare them as a collective force by organizing various type of capacity building trainings and generate awareness about a Government Development activities progressive policies, equal rights and empowerment of the socially suppressed and economically exploited groups of the people in the society
There are 263 million children and youth who do not attend school. Solve Education! is a not-for-profit organization that is committed to providing an opportunity to receive quality education for these students, as well as for the millions of others receiving an education which fails to improve their income-generating prospects. Leveraging the growing ubiquity of broadband and smartphones, we are experimenting with how to use game mechanics and artificial intelligence to enable the mass-customization of education. We are determined to provide an effective education for the children and youth around the world who are currently unable to access this.
The Foundation's mission is to deliver and support programs that improve education and literacy; promote good leadership and governance; and facilitate the achievement of interfaith harmony
is to work at provincial, district and school levels, together with partners, to create positive societal attitudes, policies and practices that promote equity for girls in terms of access, retention, performance and quality of education.
Emergination Africa's mission is to advance Africa's transformation through global skills transfer and educational mentorship. The goal of Emergination Africa is to assist high-achieving and low-income students from Africa in their career development and search for a quality university education.
MAKAIA is a non-profit organization strengthens capacities for social development through technology, innovation and international cooperation. Our vision is that every person and organization has knowledge and information to increase opportunities to transform themselves and their communities. MAKAIA means "to build" or "make" in Miskito (Indigenous Language from Honduras). The name represents MAKAIAs objective of building alliances and relationships oriented to the social and economic development.
JAAGO Foundation aims for the betterment of the nation through catering the educational needs of children from socially and economically disadvantaged background and empowering the youth along with inspiring volunteerism in Bangladesh. JAAGO focuses on creating an equitable world for everyone regardless of gender, class, ethnicity, location, religious and sexual orientation by empowering the most marginalized.
Age Action's vision is that Ireland becomes the best place in the world in which to grow older. Our mission is 'to achieve fundamental change in the lives of all older people by empowering them to live full lives as actively engaged citizens and to secure their rights to comprehensive high quality services according to their changing needs'. Age Action's Getting Started programme is a learning and awareness programme encouraging older people to use computers and Internet. Our goal is promoting digital inclusion and positive ageing by providing opportunities for older people to use computers, the Internet and mobile phones.
SUPERATEC's mission is to transform the lives of underprivileged youth and communities, by creating opportunities for personal and social improvement through technology, human development and employment. The formula SUPERATEC uses is the social inclusion by empower youth by developing their talents and abilities; bridge the digital divide among youth and adults; build citizenship; promote Human Rights; promote productive employment; and contribute towards poverty reduction. At the same time, SUPERATEC promotes universal values like social improvement, solidarity, responsibility and integrity.
Our mission is to empower women and youths, especially adolescent girls, to have expanded personal choices, explore their potentials, and control their future so that we can close gender gaps and challenge actions which stunt girls' development in the communities where we operate. We work in 3 critical areas of Sustainable Development Goals: Goal 3: Ensure healthy life and promote well-being for all at all ages Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.