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We strive to contribute to a world where urban and rural communities take responsible care of their environment, work consciously to conserve and protect natural resources in sustainable ways, and preserve historical assets and heritage for the benefit of future generations. Our mission is three-pronged. Conservation: Create significant and sustainable environmental change, specifically focusing on climate change, water conservation, food security, waste recycling, sustainable energy, preservation of endangered fauna and flora and greening projects that incorporate poverty alleviation and sustainable livelihoods. Education: Increase capacity and expertise of the southern African environment community, by transferring skills, providing mentorship and building supportive networks for the development and sustainability of the environment sector. Innovation: Use modern technology (e.g. GIS) capacity to enhance conservation efforts and to pioneer socio-ecological approaches to protected area management.
Our mission is to empower communities to strengthen languages, culture and the environment by using the internet more effectively. Our primary vehicle of engagement is a multilingual cultural wiki designed, populated, and used by the community to help the community satifsfy their evolving community needs. The BASAbali wiki has engaged by nearly 2.5 million to date. The wiki empowerment process is now being replicated in Makassar, Indonesia. BASAbali is a registered nonprofit in the US. BASAbali Wiki is a registered charity in Indonesia. Matur Suksma (thank you very much) for your care of local languages, culture and the environment.
The Movimento de Saude Mental Comunitaria do Bom Jardim (MSMCBJ) was initiated in 1996 as part of the outreach of the Comboni Missionaries in the Northeast of Brazil. MSMCBJ seeks to improve the lives of the people of the economically impoverished peripheral regions of Fortaleza, primarily the area of Grande Bom Jardim. To imagine a mental health project in a peripheral neighborhood like Bom Jardim, where the majority of people live in at-risk circumstances - in which extreme poverty, violence, a lack of housing and basic sanitation, street children, and unemployment predominate - is to believe that, even within pain and suffering, we can harvest flowers. That is, personal and social realities can be transformed. The challenge that MSMCBJ has been overcoming throughout its years of community action has been to demonstrate that, through the Community Systemic Approach, working with people's self-esteem results in greater self-awareness, which empowers people to create paths of liberation, thanks to the sense of participation and co-responsibility that MSMCBJ activities favor. The Movimento de Saude Mental Comunitaria do Bom Jardim welcomes the human being, respecting their bio-psycho-socio-spiritual dimensions, promoting the development of their potential, through the restoration of human rights and cultural values, with the goal of improving the quality their personal, interpersonal, and community relationships, for the promotion of the gift of life. We welcome and accept all people, despite their social class, race, religion, gender, or age; We stimulate the development of quality personal, group, community, social, and ecological relationships; We believe in the diversity of cultural roots as a principle on the strengthening of identity for the liberation and development of the human being; We exist within and are nourished by a loving spirituality in the search for personal and social integration and liberation; We offer a space for affective listening as an essential therapeutic instrument for the awakening and development of life; We participate in the development of human potential with the vision of autonomy and co-responsibility in the construction of the project of life; We value and recognize the talents of the individual, encouraging transparent and affective relationships as an opportunity for personal and professional growth; We believe in a work relationship that encourages the overcoming of conflicts as a form of maturing and growth; We encourage the awakening of a new consciousness that cultivates the essential values of love, peace, and justice; We gladly welcome partnerships that help to realize these life-restoring actions.
Mission To encourage girls of any age of any background to consider and pursue math and science-related studies and careers by introducing them to the world of science in fun and exciting ways Objectives To increase the number of women in math and science occupations (science, math, engineering & technology = STEM) To create a network of girls so that they meet one another and form future friendships that will encourage them to reach their potential To create a link between girls and real scientists and mathematicians so they can explore dreams and possibilities for the future To provide an outlet for professionals, with particular emphasis on females in math, science and technology fields, to work together, meet one another and contribute to this worthy mission To booster self-confidence of girls and women, especially those who may not have positive influences or economic advantages Vision We envision a balanced world where girls from any nation, any background and of any age know they have the possibility and choice to enter the world of math, science and technology and to realise that their future is full of possibilities
Age Action's vision is that Ireland becomes the best place in the world in which to grow older. Our mission is 'to achieve fundamental change in the lives of all older people by empowering them to live full lives as actively engaged citizens and to secure their rights to comprehensive high quality services according to their changing needs'. Age Action's Getting Started programme is a learning and awareness programme encouraging older people to use computers and Internet. Our goal is promoting digital inclusion and positive ageing by providing opportunities for older people to use computers, the Internet and mobile phones.
TANZANIA HUMAN DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION (TAHUDE Foundation) under the Reg. No. ooNGO/00005851 is a non-profit making organization founded by Tanzanian individuals whose ambition is to utilize different talents of men and women who wish to effect positive changes in the lives of people. We serve as a BRIDGE between our partners and the needy community. For detailed information please kindly visit various pages of our website:
Reporters Without Borders USA (RWB USA) is the U.S. office of the global organization, Reporters Sans Frontieres, a leading defender of freedom of information with almost 30 years of experience. A core belief of Reporters Without Borders is that only through freedom of information can one verify the existence of all the other freedoms. Without free circulation of information, it is impossible to strengthen human rights protection, advance government accountability, and improve the reach and the quality of social justice and civil liberties. At RWB, we are defending information, defending reporters and citizen reporters (netizens) whose work benefits ALL citizens.
OUR MISSION: Uniting People with Opportunities. The United Planning Organization, the designated community action agency for Washington, DC, was established December 10, 1962 to plan, coordinate, and implement human services programs for low-income residents in the Nation's Capital. For over 50 years, UPO has been in the forefront of the war on poverty. As the catalyst for economic security and growth for all Washington, DC residents, UPO has laid the groundwork for innovative social service programs such as weatherization and energy conservation services, Head Start, workforce development training and youth development. Today, UPO continues to provide residents with comprehensive resources for early childhood education; youth development; employment and training; family and community services; case management and referrals to other supportive services.
Mission: "Girl Scouts build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place." The Value proposition is that Girl Scouts is where girls find their voices and make them matter. The Girl Scouts of Central Maryland has served the Metropolitan area since 1962. In the ensuing five decades, the neighborhoods and communities of Baltimore City and certain surrounding counties have changed. The GSCM has endeavored to change to be responsive to these changing demographics and keep current with the needs of girls in Central Maryland. GSCM conducted extensive research into the needs of girls and young women who live in Baltimore City. The families in these areas are typically single-parent families with income levels near the poverty line. Many parents work more than one job to make ends meet. And then there is the special group of girls, often forgotten, who are separated from their mother for reasons over which they had no control. Delivering the extra-curricular activities that are necessary for girls to achieve later in life is a founding principle and goal of Girl Scouts of Central Maryland. This includes learning the real meaning behind the Girl Scout Law of "I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout. In underserved communities there is a lack of availability of programs, and lack of transportation. GSCM intends to continue to fill this void with its Beyond Bars program and needs your support to assure we can continue to transport girls from their neighborhoods to the facility which houses their mother. Overall, for the entire council, the goals for 2015-2018 were established for a target population of girls in kindergarten through 12th grade, the goals and are: (a) to empower a culturally diverse population of girls through engagement in a Girl Scout leadership pathway; (b) to increase the reach of GSCM's programs and unique experiences by enrolling an increased number of girls, particularly girls from underserved communities, as members of the Girl Scouts of Central Maryland; and (c) to recruit, screen and orient new and existing adult volunteers, who are guided and trained to mentor a culturally diverse Girl Scout population.
The vision of SAFECO is to contribute to a Congolese society where women and adolescent girls in general, and in particular indigenous peoples and women living with disabilities, live in peace, have access to quality health care, to clean water, to an improved livelihood, to quality education, equal rights, and where the rights of nature are respected. SAFECO's mission aims to improve the conditions in which women, adolescent girls, women with disabilities and indigenous women in our society live. Since its beginning, SAFECO has focused on empowering and educating girls and women through information and communication technologies.
Libraries Without Borders is an international nonprofit that expands access to information, education and cultural resources to vulnerable populations around the world. Our interventions address the structural causes of economic and human underdevelopment, reduce the digital divide, and promote cultural resilience. By focusing on the curation and customization of educational materials, along with the logistics and security involved with delivery, storage and construction of learning spaces, we have been able to develop innovative programs, create and re-envision library spaces and support librarians in over 25 countries. Most recently, we received the Library of Congress' International Literacy Award (2016) and won the Google Impact Challenge (2015). We advocate the idea of the library as a toolbox for communities to disseminate knowledge, promote social harmony, accompany the least fortunate, and ultimately, pursue human and economic development. We work in five areas of intervention: 1. EDUCATION LWB establishes libraries and information resource centers in universities and schools. This support manifests itself in the donation of materials, technical equipment, texts, and multimedia and electronic resources. LWB also provides support to teachers in their education responsibilities by putting in place educational resource centers as well as creating educational digital content. 2. INFORMATION AND CULTURE LWB supports the development of structures providing access to books, information and culture in developing countries. LWB enters into partnerships with libraries to help them develop their textual and digital resources and set up quality cultural programs. LWB also accompanies the creation of cultural projects for specific and disadvantaged groups such as visually impaired persons, prisoners and refugee populations. 3. CAPACITY BUILDING LWB initiates innovative specialized resource projects to reinforce the capacities of specific groups such as professionals from the medical or justice sectors. In facilitating access to verified and quality-controlled information, LWB accompanies their daily work in servicing their communities as well as their scientific research. 4. CONSERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE LWB assists in the conservation and promotion of local written or oral heritage through the creation of specialized structures (libraries, cultural centers) and the training of personnel in these professions. Within the framework of promoting local knowledge and supporting publishers in developing countries, LWB also promotes the diffusion of local literature. 5. CULTURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP LWB works alongside cultural entrepreneurs to design innovative and sustainable economic models. By setting up income-generating activities and training in management strategies, libraries are re-invented as social and cultural entrepreneurs with major economic benefits for their communities.
Our mission is to develop new ideas and implement new solutions to address the short and long-term threats to elephant survival, providing them a new future free of cruelty and death at the hands of humans. Our unique approach of developing communities that will end poaching and illegal trafficking, implementing humane economies within host countries and by creating non-invasive research facilities, we will bring transformational change to this epic struggle while bettering the lives of the indigenous population and the host government. The Elephant Project will create self-sustaining and self-funding sanctuaries and communities reducing the need to constantly fundraise for the project. This project is designed to be a model that can be used all over the world to protect endangered species, better the economies of the host country, provide skills training, jobs, healthcare and educational opportunities for the indigenous population.