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STAND! For Families Free of Violence is a catalyst for breaking the multi-generational cycle of violence, promoting safe and strong relationships, and rebuilding lives. Each year we serve more than 10,000 men, women, and children through our comprehensive, life-changing services.
Lassen Family Services, Inc. is a domestic violence/ sexual assault crisis agency committed to ending abuse in our community through Prevention, Healing, Advocacy, Safety, Education, compassionate intervention, and effective partnerships with local community and social service agencies that will support and empower the participant’s journey to success.
Women's and Children's Crisis Shelter is committed to provide safety, shelter and hope to victims of domestic violence.
Established in 1980, Jenesse Center, Inc. is one of the oldest domestic violence intervention and prevention programs in Los Angeles. Jenesse’s mission is to restore families impacted by domestic/sexual violence through holistic, trauma informed, culturally responsive services and advance prevention initiatives that foster and sustain healthy, violence free communities. We seek to prevent and end the cycle of domestic violence through education, outreach initiatives, public policy and advocacy strategies and collaboration with key partners. Jenesse works towards systematic changes in how local, state and federal entities can more effectively address Domestic Violence Intervention and Prevention. 60% of Jenesse's clients are children, who are the most vulnerable and voiceless victims
Mission: to identify, provide victim advocacy, respond to and treat child abuse and neglect in Buncombe county, NC; to educate and empower the public, protect children and reduce trauma through a coordinated community effort. Vision: to set the standard for providing quality, effective, evidence-based programs for the prevention, education and treatment of child abuse and neglect. By creating a community response to child abuse and neglect through a system collaboration, we will address abuse in a more enlightened, efficient, and effective manner.
AGILE International's mission is to empower rural women in Mali and West Africa so they can restore food security and the cultural wisdom that underlies traditional sustainable agriculture.
Pratthanadee is an award-winning charity providing life-changing training for underprivileged women and girls in Bangkok and the rural Isaan region of Thailand. The Foundation empowers under-educated women and girls to become confident, independent and ambitious individuals. Through training in crucial skills, such as negotiation, self-presentation, and goal-setting, women are equipped to access better job opportunities and higher salaries. They leave training with the lifelong tools they need to build a more positive life for themselves and their families. The women that Pratthanadee works with have often migrated from a poor rural area to the city, in order to find work and send money home to their families. Over half moved to Bangkok when they were under 18, often on their own. 34% reached only primary school and the remainder have high schooling only and no additional training. They have few marketable skills and little work experience. On arrival in Bangkok, they find their employment opportunities restricted to unskilled manufacturing and service-sector occupations, and the commercial sex sector is one of the few places where they can earn a good wage. As a result, they easily get stuck in a cycle of unstable, unregulated or low-paid work. These women face a high risk of violence and exploitation as they are: - Often isolated in Bangkok and cut off from their usual support network back home. - Financially dependent on a particular employer or a relationship, and therefore unwilling to question any behaviour that might result in losing money to send for their families. - Often working in high-risk jobs where they feel easily replaceable, such as domestic homes, massage and entertainment parlours, and factories. We aim to help two groups: 1) Uneducated women who are already in Bangkok, either looking for work or stuck in a cycle of low quality employment. 2) Teenage girls who are at risk of falling into the same trap. The underlying philosophy of our organization is best found in the words of Ruby Manikan, "If you educate a man you educate a person, but if you educate a woman you educate a family."
NARAL Pro-Choice Maryland Fund was founded in 1997 in order to support and protect, as a fundamental freedom, a woman’s right to make reproductive choices. This mission is accomplished through support of education, training programs, and public policy initiatives.
International Womens House is a domestic violence shelter with a mission to provide a safe haven and supportive services to women and children who are the victims of family violence, sexual abuse, and human trafficking, with a focus on immigrant and refugee women and children, cultural sensitivity and self-sufficiency.
The Philadelphia Children’s Alliance (PCA) is dedicated to ensuring that all children in Philadelphia are safe from abuse. PCA’s mission is to lead a coordinated response to achieve safety, healing, justice, and prevention for children and families impacted by the adverse childhood experiences of sexual abuse, exploitation, and violence.
New Beginnings empowers survivors and mobilizes community awareness and action to end domestic violence.
Care Net is a Christ-centered ministry whose mission is to promote a culture of life within our society in order to serve people facing unplanned pregnancies and related sexual issues. Our vision is a culture where lives are transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and every woman chooses life for herself and her unborn child.