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Displaying 433–444 of 20,785

Child's Heart Association

To improve quality of life of children with congenital heart diseases (CHD) and their families and to support their social integration. In order to fulfill our mission we create a non-institutional center where medical, social and psychological professionals work together with representatives of the target group. We have the following activities psychological, medical, social consulting and legal advising; creative art club, seminars and conferences for young people with CHD and healthcare programs. To improve quality of life of children with congenital heart diseases (CHD) and their families and to support their social integration. Part of our mission is to change the attitude and patterns of the society toward people with CHD In order to fulfill our mission we create a non-institutional center where medical, social and psychological professionals work together with representatives of the target group. We have the following activities psychological, medical, social consulting and legal advising; creative art club, seminars and conferences for young people with CHD and healthcare programs. To improve quality of life of children with congenital heart diseases (CHD) and their families and to support their social integration. Part of our mission is to change the attitude and patterns of the society toward people with CHD In order to fulfill our mission we create a non-institutional center where medical, social and psychological professionals work together with representatives of the target group. We have the following activities psychological, medical, social consulting and legal advising; creative art club, seminars and conferences for young people with CHD and healthcare programs. With the improving of their self-esteem, educational level and supporting their art and creative abilities we decrease the social isolation of heart operated children. Connecting families in our club activities we give them space to exchange experience, find support and feel less isolated Our organization works together with National Heart Hospital in order to secure adequate access to healthcare system for grown-ups (above 18 years age) people with CHD.

Stichting voor de Ouderenzorg Birgen di Rosario

Our mission is to provide care with accommodation to elderly people in Curacao and thereby contributing to improving their quality of life.

Nahda Makers Organization

NMO will take the lead to empower communities in Yemen through humanitarian response and sustainable development programs in a professional way via effective partnerships

Associacio Superaccio

Superaccio ('overcoming' in English) is a non-profit initiative that was born in Barcelona in early 2013 and is made up of professionals from a variety of fields, who are selflessly involved in enabling this project to be carried out. His mission is the improvement and personal development of young people at risk of social exclusion for their subsequent social and labour insertion. Specifically, the work and training of the triathlon serves as a vehicle for collaborating with young people who, for various reasons, have been abused by the 'system' or have not had the opportunity to learn or develop the tools needed to adapt to it. And it's much more than just the Triathlon! Through a broad and constant programme of physical, artistic and expressive activities, we can help to break stereotypes and for these young people to participate in, grow and adapt to different conditions and cultures. Superaccio has the sponsorship and collaboration of both public institutions and private entities. Thanks to their support it is possible to make this project become reality. Currently, Superaccio is extending its scope at a national and international level, with active programs in Tenerife and Tunisia. Look at the success achieved in spreading the Superaccio values to people who are the target of our activity. This is what motivates us to push the project forward every day!

Wellbeing of Women

Wellbeing of Women saves and changes the lives of women, girls and babies through research, education and advocacy. Our mission is to ensure no woman's life is limited by her gynaecological and reproductive health.

Kachhi Community Development Association

Facilitate self-help development through community leadership with the active and productive role of marginalized segments including women.

Siyaphambili Orphan Village

Our vision Our vision is to provide culturally competent, holistic and wellness focused services that promote young people s empowerment, prevent the development of mental health challenges and address social emotional problems that currently exist. Our mission Our mission is to establish a conversation about mental health issues affecting young women, in order to remove the stigma of mental health and to empower young women, as well as implementing a sustainable development within the societies in which these young people live.

Advancing Youth Opportunities Initiative (AYOI)

To create opportunities where deprived youth start, grow and sustain their enterprises, while enabling those seeking employment to become professional and productive.

Feestvarken VZW

Feestvarken vzw geeft verjaardagspakketten aan kinderen in armoede en sensibiliseert over armoede in scholen en bedrijven. Een pakket bestaat uit een nieuw en actueel cadeau, een traktatie om uit te delen in de klas en benodigdheden om thuis een feestje te organiseren. Feestvark vzw gives birthday packages to children in poverty and raises awareness about poverty in schools and companies. A package consists of a new and current gift, a treat to hand out in class and supplies to host a party at home.

Rytmus Stredni Cechy, o.p.s.

Our mission is to enable people with disabilities actively participate in society and fulfill their rights. To provide everyone with such support that they can work and live in a normal environment. We help children and adults with disabilities. We support anyone who struggles with mental, physical or psychiatric disability. For twenty years we have been helping - individually, to enable them to live independent lives in their communities. We provide support in finding work, help with traveling to work or school, provide legacy support, counseling, training, etc. Recently, we have started helping children with disabilities and their families. Our work is based on the following principles: We promote equality in rights and obligations Our work is based on the belief that people with disabilities are equal citizens and aims to ensure that they have comparable opportunities and conditions with others. We support our users in the active use of rights and responsible fulfillment of obligations. We make available what is common We support users to live a normal way of life, according to their aspirations and dreams. We are sensitive to individuality and look for creative ways Each person is unique in their needs and abilities. We start from his/her ideas and possibilities, from the right to personal lifestyle choice. We tailor services to people, not the other way around. We reflect individual needs and look for ways to fulfill them. We are improving We care about quality. Services are provided by a team of qualified social workers who are supported in further professional development. We encourage active engagement We involve the user, or their immediate surroundings, in active cooperation. We support them in their independence, in making decisions and in accepting their own responsibility. We only provide them with support that compensates for their disadvantage.

Asociacion Taller de Proyectos e Investigaciones de Habitat Urbano Rural Red Habitat

Our goal as an institution, is to be an ally of the excluded urban population, generating inclusive, democratic, participatory, sustainable, gender-equitable, and generational proposals for the promotion and realization of the rights to the city, housing, and habitat.

ASOKEN Specified Nonprofit Corporation ASOBI to MANABI laboratory

This corporation aims to support the healthy growth of children and their parents and community development by implementing, researching and researching children's play and learning, and improving the child-rearing environment.