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Give hope to life expectancy by facilitating organ donation and transplantation in Venezuela
This association aims at promoting access to sport, to act against all forms of discrimination, open spaces for reflection and discussion on the issue of access to sport, health and the fight against discrimination in sports. Thus, this association aims to promote education through sport, inform and act on the defense of rights related to the practice of sport.
Empowering (female) entrepreneurs with a refugee background to launch, fund and grow their own businesses.
Our mission is to empower vulnerable women/girls from Luton and Bedfordshire to lead lives that are safer, healthier and fairer, while also taking action to challenge wider societal concerns around gendered violence, mental health and inequality. We want to see Luton and Bedfordshire become a place where: - Violence/ abuse against women and girls is prevented wherever possible (e.g. through early intervention and community-based educational work) - All women/ girls affected by trauma are effectively supported to recover from the impacts of such experiences (particularly around their mental health and socio-economic circumstances), avoid repeat victimisation and successfully move forward with their lives. - Our community feels protected now and in the future (e.g. through easily accessible services for women plus the 'butterfly effect' impacts on others like their dependents) - People and organisations work together to create a wider understanding and better response to violence against women/ girls and mental health across our region. We now work intensively with over 1000 women/ girls per year, the vast majority of which have experiences of domestic violence/abuse and/or similar trauma (e.g. harmful practices, historic child sexual abuse or sexual exploitation). All are dealing with severe impacts of trauma, particularly around their mental health, safety, confidence, family and personal relationships, and future prospects. At Luton All Women's Centre, they can find the solace, strength and opportunity they need to make positive change in their lives. Our main objective, therefore, is to deliver a wide range of specialist services which tackle these issues and their consequences at the earliest opportunity (including prevention work). This includes providing: a domestic abuse/ trauma response service (1-1 and group support); professional counselling (supported by volunteers); a range of health and wellbeing services; a harmful practices service; 'The Women's Academy' (our employability project); access to practical advice, resources, advocacy and legal surgeries; plus several peer groups which support recovery and reduce isolation. This work usually takes place within our women-only centre. However, after making necessary adaptations during the pandemic, we now provide a blend of remote and in-person services, in line with our clients' preferences. Typically, our clients access several areas of support over around 18 months, at which point they are usually able to make lasting positive changes such a building a stable family life and progressing with other goals around their future such as pursuing education or employment aspirations. Over the last five years, LAWC has significantly advanced its scope beyond direct beneficiary support to increase our societal impact. Locally, we are taking a leading role in tackling gender inequality; introducing innovative solutions around trauma, DVA, mental health, poverty and other key issues affecting women/girls; and are working hard to improve early intervention/ prevention approaches in and around Luton. Examples of how we do this include providing educational/training activities for our clients, young people, key professionals and local employers; working with partners on local policy/campaigns; and spearheading a trauma-informed approach within the local mental health framework.
We work for the rights and well-being of children. Our belief is that children need to be heard and helped in times of trouble. Adults responsible for them need to be supported so that they are capable of doing so. Children and concerned adults can reach us 24/7 via our helpline, chat room, and email services. We talk to children and adolescents who want to share their stories with us. If they are in trouble we organize help for them. Through our prevention program we are present in schools, and we pay special attention to the safe use of the internet for children.
The purpose of the Foundation is to raise public awareness by making distributions, granting other economic advantages or support individuals or organizations acting for the common good in the fields of environmental protection, science, culture and the arts. Distributions are to be made on case by case decisions and in a discretionary manner by the foundation board The foundation shall support organizations and projects which comply with its purposes as they are defined hereinabove. In particular, at present, such projects may refer specifically to the following activities: Cleaning-up and preservation of the oceans Protection of glaciers and polar zones Protection of endangered animal and plant species or species that are likely to be classified as endangered in the future Preservation of natural ecosystems, natural land, rivers and seas worldwide Promotion of sustainable development all around the globe Commitment to the development of renewable energy sources Spreading people's consciousness in regard to our planet's finite resources and their permanent destruction by man Other projects or missions may be added to the Foundation's activities anytime in the future. The Foundation shall be authorized to enter into all transactions for the purpose of and in accordance with its purpose. The charitable purpose of the Foundation is exclusive and irrevocable.
At Nevypust dusi, we've been talking about mental health since 2016, showing you how to take care of it and where to get help when you need it. We believe in the power of prevention and bring it in the form of interactive workshops to male and female high school and university students, second grade teachers at primary and secondary schools, and employees of companies and organizations. We focus on psychohygiene, stress management, prevention of mental illness and provide practical tips for everyday life and information about available services. We believe that mental health is just as important as physical health. That's why we strive for a world where no one is afraid to ask for help, mental illness is not stigmatized, and conversations about mental health are a normal part of life. Our team includes students and graduates from disciplines such as psychology, social work and medicine, including young people with experience of mental illness.
To deliver equitable and high-quality education by providing an innovative learning environment that promotes youth skills development, supports sustainable communities, and promotes economic growth through STEM.
EPOCHO influences, encourages, and assists Afghan society through investing programs to reach developmental goals.
To save and promote girl child education. To provide acquisition of skills training for girls who have completed their basic education.
Support for young people diagnosed with cancer and their families
Our mission is to support unique young people in their self-development and in realisation of their plans: either educational, scientific or professional. We believe that in this way we can guarantee the development of society. Thus we: - help students, and young scientists implement their ideas: original research, or other initiatives for education, science, culture, or business - we provide friendly environment and expert support, - support talented pupils, and students who, aware of their abilities, have courage to conquer the highest peaks. One talented person may be responsible for many innovative changes in the future. Our values: - reliability, - transparency, - building bonds with our beneficiaries, and donors, - diversity, - cooperation, - being and working with experts, - popularisation (dissemination), - innovation