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Associacao Gaucha Pro-escolas Familias Agricolas

I - Enable the integral promotion of the human person, promoting education and cultural development through action and socio-community education, in activities inherent to the interest of agriculture, especially regarding the sustainable development and social elevation of the family farmer from the spiritual-ethical-ecological, intellectual, technical, health and economic point of view; II - Encourage, through education, entrepreneurial attitudes of rural youth, their families and communities, contributing to the access to the generation of work and income, as well as providing continuous formation processes of Alternation Educators / Monitors of Agricultural and Family Schools and several publics, with a view to contributing to mobilization of popular empowerment and emancipation in the complex sociocultural reality of the Brazilian countryside; III - Ensure that the formation and animation activities of the EFAs are articulated and integrated with the promotion and sustainable development projects in which they are inserted; IV - To promote, as its predominant activity, a contextualized and differentiated education, serving as a maintaining institution to regulate, manage, raise funds, represent and manage the operation of the Santa Cruz do Sul Family Farm School - EFASC, which may offer teaching courses High School and Vocational High School, as well as initial and continuing education, complementary and technical specializations of Rural Professional Learning, following the principles of the CEFFAs Network - Family Centers for Alternating Training in Brazil, with universality of service, scholarships and benefits related to school transportation, uniforms, teaching materials, housing and food; V - Providing, conducting, executing and encouraging initial and ongoing processes of training for Alternating Educators / Family School Teachers and EFA association members; VI - Promote a quality education, contextualized, differentiated and focused on the rural environment, in accordance with the foundations and principles of the CEFFAs Network, with a Pedagogy of Alternation methodology and appropriate to the Law of Guidelines and bases of National Education (LDB No. 9,394) / 1996) and the National Plan of Current Education (PNE), as well as Decree No. 7352, of November 4, 2010 and other normative instruments of field education and relevant legislation; VII - Recognize the knowledge of family farmers and the community, recognize their role as alternative educator, seek and promote the construction of theoretical / practical knowledge from the local reality of youth and the harmful and sustainable development in activities related to agriculture, currently the education and training of young people, families and the community; VIII - Encourage, carry out and promote the organization and mobilization of farmers and the youth of Family Farming in order to gain their rights and access to public policies; IX - Promote moral and ethical values, valuing the spirit of solidarity, respecting the environment, promoting gender equity and analysis, ethnicity and patterns of group types, valuing cultural diversity and any nature; X - Develop the attendance and evaluation of the beneficiaries of the Organic Law of Social Assistance - LAAS, their defense and guarantee of their rights. Promote social assistance - serving all stakeholders, including: children, adolescents, young people, adults, men, women, the elderly, people with disabilities and all minorities in society; XI - Educational institution service to create, integrate, regulate, accredit, administer, covenant, fundraise, use, organize, maintain and use education resources at any level, including higher education - both undergraduate and postgraduate - University graduate. It may be offered or in partnership or cooperation with other universities;


The University of Valencia, as a public service, is responsible for providing students with the teachings needed for their education, their preparation for professional practice or artistic activities and their obtaining, if appropriate, of the relevant academic qualifications, and for updating the knowledge and skills of its staff and lecturers at all levels of education. The University of Valencia encourages research, both basic and applied, and the scientific and technological development. Likewise, with its own guarantees of rationality and universality, it is an institution that spreads culture within society. The University of Valencia offers, stimulates and hosts intellectual and critical activities in all fields of culture and knowledge. In carrying out these functions, the University of Valencia will bear in mind the harmony of knowledge arising from the development of human thought and aimed at improving people and their coexistence in a plural and democratic society.

Glow care foundation

As an NGO, Glowcsre Foundation is poised to help better the lives of orphans, less privileged children and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities to provide health literacy, educational materials, including preventative measures, educational & health outreaches and to help curb child hunger to the best of our ability

Mother Child Education Foundation

Since its establishment in 1993, ACEV's mission has been to make a lasting contribution to society by supporting the development of children and their environments through education starting from early years. Spanning early childhood, parenting, and adult literacy, ACEV's training programs have targeted all stages of human development and all members of the family from early childhood to parenthood. Our programs have common goals of reducing disparities and addressing inequalities in various domains: as our preschool programs target equal opportunity, bridging the socioeconomic gap in school readiness and academic success by accessing disadvantaged children; our literacy and parent support programs address gender equality. ACEV serves communities in need with carefully designed early childhood and adult education programs. ACEV believes that equal opportunity in education must be created for all individuals, education must begin in the early years and continue throughout the entire life cycle, both children and their families need to be supported for lasting positive outcomes.

Fundacion Mediapila

Promover la inclusión laboral y el desarrollo personal de mujeres que viven en situación de vulnerabilidad social y económica.

Seitenwechsel Sportverein fur FrauenLesbenTransInter und Madchen e.V.

There are many sports clubs in Berlin. We are a sports club for women/lesbians, trans*, inter* and girls. SEITENWECHSEL was founded in 1988. Today our club is a queer-feminist learning and movement space, created by full-time staff and many volunteers. We want the participation and self-determination of womenLesbiansTrans*Inter* and girls in sports and otherwise. We fight against any form of discrimination. We reject any form of discrimination. We want to create the safest possible spaces for this. Everyone should feel comfortable with us. - What is especially important to us: - Gender self-definition counts. You decide how you want to be addressed. - You decide your name and your pronoun. We mutually accept how people want to be addressed. Names and pronouns (like other things) can change. - There are many ways people are excluded. For example, there is racism, classism, and disability discrimination. No one form of discrimination is more important than another. Different forms of discrimination can work together. - We would like to see a conscious approach to discrimination in the club. The language in the sports groups should appeal to all people. It should not exclude any people.

Tanzania Social Light Foundation (TSLF)

MISSION: Our mission is to support livelihood challenged communities to sustainably improve their standard of living through community empowerment approaches for human development in partnership with stakeholders. VISION To have a country where everyone has an equal opportunity to thrive and owns his or her future life regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, race, religion or location. OBJECTIVES AND MANDATE The objectives of TSLF as stipulated in the organization's constitution are; - 1. Promotion of access to basic social Services such as Quality Education, Health care, infrastructure, Water and Sanitation. 2. Advocate for Women, youth, Girls, People Living with HIV/AIDS, People with Disability and Children's rights. 3. Raising awareness on Environmental Conservation, Protection and Rehabilitation. 4. Empower the Community embrace development initiative and economically. 5. Improving agriculture by promoting sustainable farming systems which are environmentally sound, economically viable and socially acceptable, which will improve agricultural productivity and market opportunities for small holder farmers and promote sustainable agriculture, control over land and other natural resources. CORE VALUES Our Core Values Commitment describes who we are, what we do, and how we do it. It reflects our Core Values of Equity, Respect, Integrity, collaboration, Innovation, Teamwork, and Commitment; - Equity: Everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. Respect: We respect the rights and dignity of every human being and community irrespective of their social standing. Integrity: We uphold transparency, accountability and efficiency in dealing with others and within. Collaboration: We work with others in a dedicated manner towards the achievement of common goals. Innovation: We build a reflection and learning culture as we strive to evolve and share best practice. Teamwork: we value working together for positive change. Commitment: We are committed to performing tasks accurately and in timely manner.

Love Yourself

By empowering oneself, enriching relationships, and embracing innovations, we provide a safe space for communities and champion the iniingatan, inaalagaan, at inaasikaso experience. A thought leader that inspires people to empower and affirm their self-worth to create ripples of positive change. LoveYourself Inc. (LY), is a community of volunteers which has been successful in reaching out to the key affected population of HIV and AIDS. It was established in 2011 with a mission of embracing and nurturing one's self-worth to inspire others to do the same and create ripples of positive change in the community and a vision of becoming a model community, empowering and affirming the self-worth of youth and MSM in the Philippines. LY has been the home of many innovative and new approaches to reach key populations such as Project Preppy (Pre-exposure Prophylaxis), LoveYourself Caravan/PBSR, Smart-Safe-Sexy Continuum of Care Approach Project (3S) and Introduction of the First Community Run Testing and Treatment Facility (4S) Project, #SafeSpaces Condom Promotion and Distribution Program Victoria by LoveYourself, the first Transgender Health and Wellness Community Center in the Philippines and most recently - introduction of HIV Self Screening (#SelfCare) in the Philippines to name a few. LY has several innovations in the pipeline, such as expansion of #SelfCare, #ChampionCommunityCenters and other innovations especially with the challenges in the time of COVID19 pandemic like XPress Refill and iCon (telemedicine). LY partnered with DOH-RITM in many innovative programs such as 3S (Smart Safe and Sexy) where the power of volunteerism is harnessed by creating "change agents" from the community reaching other members of the community through awareness and encouraging high risk clients to take ownership of their sexual health by regular testing every 3-6 months if negative and early treatment if positive. LY has a long and fruitful partnership with Pilipinas Shell Foundation since 2012, it has has grown and developed with PSFI supporting LY through technical assistance, logistics, finances, and overall management of LoveYourself Community Centers. LoveYourself Inc. is proud of its 10 LoveYourself Branded Community Centers, 2 Private Clinic and manages 30 Champion Community Centers safe space for young and working population who are engaging in risky behavior. For the LY community centers, having a cumulative rate of 150-200 clients daily with 12-14% reactive rate, the centers contributes to 42% of all the newly diagnosed PLHIVs reported in Metro Manila and 20% in the whole country for since 2016 to present proving that LY has a strong understanding of the Philippine context with regard to HIV and AIDS and key populations (MSM, TG, YKP and PWID). These efforts demonstrate a tremendous impact in bridging the gaps in the HIV continuum of care, with the objective of scaling up HIV testing and linking the newly diagnosed PLHIVs to treatment and care, eventually leading to reduced incidence of loss to follow up. Since its launching, LY Anglo as the main treatment centers and the rest of the 6 as satellite centers has already diagnosed over 40,000 clients yearly. Of the total number of newly diagnosed PLHIVs, 7,300 were enrolled to LoveYourself Anglo treatment while the remaining were referred to RITM or other treatment hubs for enrolment making LY the second highest PLHIV clients enrolled facility. LoveYourself Anglo is currently being positioned as the first ever community run one stop shop - having prevention-to-treatment services. It aims to create a social enterprise-self-sustaining model. LY has gained momentum in its implementation of the Philippines Business Sector Response to HIV (PBSR) and School Caravan Programs with PSFI. To date, 650, companies have been engaged through advocacy, 250 companies have been assisted in the drafting of their HIV in the workplace policy, over 100,000 people reached through HIV 101, 84,945 people tested and got their results, 4,190 (6.34 %) reactive and those confirmed were linked to treatment hubs and social hygiene clinics for further work up in preparation for treatment. 90 employee-trainers trained for HIV 101- Peer Education Training, and 68 received Basic Voluntary Counseling and Testing training. PBSR is a member of 7 Local AIDS Councils in the Cities of Manila, Quezon, Caloocan, San Juan, Batangas and Puerto Princesa. On another note, with its goal to reach the Youth to promote awareness and reduce stigma and discrimination, Caravan program has reached over 110 schools and universities testing more than 10,000 young people in the last 4 years. In the last quarter of 2014, the LY started work on community system strengthening through human rights and advocacy programs under the guidance of the ISEAN HIVOS, the regional partner of LY by engaging new blood through numerous fora and peer meetings and activities then providing capacity building, monitoring and tracking outreach workers and grooming them to develop their own program in their respective locality, bringing about the birth of the several community based organizations such as Project H4 in Puerto Princesa, who eventually opened a community center called Amos Tara and forged a long-term partnership with DOH IV-B MIMAROPA. In the area of Advocacy, LY has created several efforts in making sure that their efforts to raise the bar in the HIV continuum of care such participation in the PNAC consultations on the revision of RA 8504 and approval of the new law RA11166, technical assistance with the development of SOGIE tool kit and Trans Health module. LY continues to develop advocacy materials and communication strategies to address and respond to issues and needs of the times. Protect the Goal Campaign and #StayNegatHIVe Campaign with Rappler and Dentsu focusing on stigma and discrimination reduction that were launched recently received seven national and international awards for campaign effectiveness and impact such as the Boomerang and Anvil Awards. In 2016, the partnership also implemented several regional campaigns such as TestMNL with APCOM and very recently a project with UNAIDS and 2015 Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach - the #Live2LUV campaign. In 2018 LY is chosen as the sub recipient of the Philippine Global Fund ACER program where in LY is asked to develop and establish 15 community centers which is based on the LoveYourself community centers model. The community-based organization partners are provided support for their operational costs outreach and refurbishment of the community centers. Each community centers offer a sexual health prevention package including HIV testing and STI testing for free. Some of the community organizations have doctors and offer treatment at the same time while others are referring clients to Social Hygiene Clinics in their locality. In 2018 also, LY in partnership with Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO) implemented the Sustainability of Key Population Programs in Asia (SKPA). It has a goal of providing not just community system strengthening but also introducing advocacy, campaigns, innovations, and support towards sustainability of the services of CBO partners. LY creates national programs and campaigns on awareness and promotion of combination prevention, treatment as prevention and other innovations. A recent example is the National HIV Prevention month last July-August 2020 gathering almost 5 million impressions and reach online through the SKPA Philippines Grant. AIDS HealthCare Foundation Philippines (AHF) also partnered with LY this year to the present to augment in outreach, events and treatment of indigent PLHIVs. In 2019, due to the very high incidence of anxiety disorders and depression among the young LGBT community. LY decided to create its own mental health program called Flourish by LoveYourself. Flourish aims to provide counseling and life coaching to people with mild depression and anxiety. Flourish offers life coaching and group counseling to our clients. In partnership with Mental Health Ph, a local CBO, LY also has created campaigns on mental health. Aside from the group counseling program, LY initiated self-help programs such as music therapy, art therapy, poetry reading and other forms of coping support for people in distress. In 2020 LY was chosen as the sub recipient of the Philippine Global Fund PROTECTS with PIlipinas Shell Foundation as its PR. LY is asked to scale up its CHAMPION COMMUNITY CENTERS initiative by creating a total of 34 Champion Centers and CBO. The community-based organization partners are provided support for their operational costs outreach and refurbishment of the community centers. Each community center offers a sexual health prevention package including HIV testing and STI testing for free. Some of the community organizations have doctors and offer treatment at the same time while others are referring clients to Social Hygiene Clinics in their locality. LY has also led KP specific initiatives including the TG activations with Medical Professionals, School Administrations, etc.; for YKP, LY spearheaded a myriad of activities involving Sangguniang Kabataan (Youth Federation), Schools, and other youth lead CSOs; for PWIDs, several learning group sessions and consultations has also been done specifically in Cebu City. LY was also assigned to provide the Administrative and Human Resource including payroll of 380 field staff and community center officers hired for the project. In 2021 LY was selected as a grantee of Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) is a global project funded by the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which is dedicated to achieving and maintaining HIV epidemic control. LY community centers operations are supported by this grant.

Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Puerto Rico Inc.

As a museum, MACPR upholds the highest standards of Collections Stewardship, Education and Interpretation, and Service to Underserved Communities. Exhibitions The Museum's exhibitions and publications program (primarily researched and designed in-house) hosts distinguished artists and important collective and anthological projects. Education MAC serves audiences of all ages through: the Museum/ School (pre -K through 12); Young Leaders: Artists in Action for the Community (young people 13 -16 years old); Independent Studies Program (for university/college students and professional artists); and Workshops for Seniors. The MAC also provides tailored services for people with autism and learning disability. MAC in the Barrio: From Santurce to Puerto Rico This extra mural program has residence in 23 low-income communities in San Juan, Guaynabo, Catano and Loiza, combining work by the Museum, artists, educators, urban community planners and residents aimed at empowering the communities and their causes, through art com missions that facilitate connections with community organizations, private business, and government development authorities.

The Shanty Trust

To relieve poverty in Kolkata's slums and squatter camps through provision of advice and financial support to local non-profit registered organisations To support livelihood programmes To support educational and child protection programmes

Associazione L'abilita onlus

L'abilita onlus was founded in October 1998 by a group of parents of children with disabilities and operators. Our mission is to promote the growth of children with disabilities, to defend their rights and to support their families. Our main aim is to develop and manage innovative services and projects for children with disabilities and their families, directly or in partnership with public bodies and foundations, in the areas of play, education, schooling, residentiality. At a national level, L'abilita promotes full social inclusion for people with disabilities and defends their rights.

Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal

The mission of FRRR is to champion the economic and social strength of Australia's rural, regional and remote communities through partnerships with the private sector, philanthropy and governments.