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National Walk Your Dog Month - Put Your Best Paw Forward!

January 31, 2019

Disclaimer: This post is reflective of our company while under the name Pledgeling and the listed information may be outdated. Please refer to our main company website on Pledge for current information and resources.

Happy New Year! My, it is moving FAST!

So how are you doing with your long list of New Year’s Resolutions?

Good? Not so good?

Well, either way, I’m going to bet that somewhere at the top of your list is –


I know it has been permanently at the top of my NYR lists, pretty much since I started making them.

Which is WHY this month has flown by so quickly.

That’s right, I’ve been outside with my boys (Cody and Harley) CELEBRATING...


Click HERE for some great dog walking safety tips and guidelines.

Or perhaps it should be more appropriately called – National Walk Off All the Holiday Festive Food Eating Month!

Well, no matter what you call it, I hope you have been out enjoying NWYDM with your four-legged kids, too (yes, even if it’s cold outside – sorry for those of you up north – been there, done that, bought the doggie coats 'n booties!).

Thankfully, the weather where I live now is gorgeous, so getting out and about with my four-legged children has been a pleasure.

Though my boys assure me that EVERY Month is National Walk Your Dog Month, I still like to use this reminder as a motivating kick-off to “Get more exercise”. Yep, you get to check that one right off the top of your NYR list, plus you get to help your best friend(s) get exercise, too. It’s a WIN-WIN!

But I get it, it’s just so easy for everyone to be more house-bound during the cold winter months.

It’s SO warm and cozy inside!


Heading out for even a winter walk can be a welcome breath of fresh air (literally!) for everyone. It doesn’t have to be a miles long excursion. Even a short walk to the mailbox and back will be appreciated by your fur babies. They really just need to get those fresh smells in and collect all the neighborhood news. Otherwise, if they are not given that daily walking outlet, you can run the risk of them releasing their pent-up energy in a negative fashion (chewing, digging, marking etc.). It will also help curb your negative energy releases, too (yelling at the computer, eating junk food, watching reality TV!).

Now if your weather really is too inclement, or if you just want to change things up, try to find a community space in your area that has an indoor dog walking venue. Or maybe make a play date with a friend and take a drive to a different area for some interaction with new pups and places. Or better yet, make it a “Who Wants to Play?” party and let EVITE help you plan a special gathering of all your dog-parent friends for some rousing two and four-legged fun!


Whatever you decide to do, you can make your NWYDM playtime even more fun and meaningful, when you shop for some great doggie wearables (and more!) at these wonderful companies – Critter Trends, PetCanva, Rosie Daze and 24 Style. These pet-approved, socially responsible companies generously support a variety of GIVE BACK animal relief donations with the purchases you make from their stores. Pledgeling is honored to help make these charitable donations effortless and trackable. Check out all these fantastic shops and see which one speaks to you, and then add your support to their efforts, while at the same time getting some terrific pooch products!

Here’s to making 2019 a Happy Dog Walking (donating) New Year – each and every day!

Want to make 2019 your best year of GIVING BACK? Let the dog-loving team at Pledgeling show you how we’ve simplified the entire giving process. We are committed to the passion of purpose and helping companies big and small simply and easily give back while growing their business. Contact us and let’s talk about the possibilities.

If you own a Shopify store, download GIVE & GROW from the Shopify App Store HERE - it only takes about 5 minutes to get started and join the over 3,000 stores who have taken the #PledgeToDoGood.