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How Texting and QR Codes Can Amplify Your Fundraising Impact

October 4, 2022

Making sure that your donors can give with ease in fewer clicks & quick scans is a must to boost your impact! With Pledge you can create a customized text-to-donate keyword, and easily share your own personal QR code, to ensure your call-to-action is simple, user-friendly, and secure.

According to a 2022 report by Nonprofit Source, incorporating a mobile-responsive design to websites can increase donations by 126% on average. Below are some of the benefits that these can have on your next fundraiser and how Pledge makes it easy for your audience to give back to your cause.

Fewer Clicks to Impact with Text-to-Donate 💬⚡

Adding a text-to-donate option to your fundraiser allows donors to help make a difference in less than 90 seconds, versus what can oftentimes take hours through email or phone. By customizing your free keyword with Pledge, you can make an impact in a simple yet effective and memorable way.

If you are hosting your annual gala either virtually, in person, or both; adding a text-to-donate that aligns with your cause is a fun way to enhance your donation experience & boost your impact! For example, the keyword “DIY2022” is currently being used by DIY (Do it Yourself) Girls Organization, to power donations through Pledge for their 10th-anniversary gala! In just a few days they have surpassed their $25,000 goal, reaching 33,753 dollars to provide STEM programs for girls in new and innovative ways that reflect the current environment 💜

Key Benefits to Text-To-Donate

  • Simple & easy to use
  • The entire process only takes minutes to complete
  • Enables the acceptance of donations of all sizes
  • Makes giving simple–whether in person or virtually!
  • Customize to match your campaign
  • FREE with every fundraiser created through Pledge 🎉
  • You can keep track of your donations in your Impact Hub

Want to add a text-to-donate to your next fundraiser? Check out our resource video which walks you through how easy it is to add a keyword to any fundraising campaign with Pledge, at zero cost to you.

The Return of the QR-Code, a Boost for Your Impact! 🤳⚡

While QR (Quick Response) codes date back to 1994, it has recently seen a new rise in popularity thanks to their contact-free nature during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to a report by Statista, scanning QR codes from the comfort and ease of your mobile phone is projected to reach up to 99.5 million users in the U.S. by 2025. Globally, there has also been a 433% increase in QR code scans by users, which makes it the perfect method to enable your next fundraising campaign.

Whether you’re going big and creating a billboard for your cause, placing stickers across your community, sharing content on social media for your event, or sending invitations through the mail, adding a QR-Code is an excellent way to direct traffic towards your fundraiser! ⚡️

Key Benefits

  • A quick way to direct people to give
  • Enables giving from virtually anywhere!
  • Enhance both digital & in-person experiences
  • Can be creatively displayed to anchor your fundraiser
  • Join the QR-Code buzz & diversify your campaign toolkit
  • FREE with every fundraiser created through Pledge 🎉

Ready to start scanning & sharing? Check out this demo which walks you through how to access your QR code and easily share your Pledge fundraiser with your community!

And if you are looking to make a difference through these free features & more, start fundraising with Pledge today.