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Displaying 517–528 of 4,916

WISER International

We imagine a world where girls are healthy, educated, and in control of their own destiny - free from violence, disease, and limitations based on gender. WISER works with girls to transcend poverty, HIV/AIDS, and gender-based violence. We do this by empowering young women to drive change through education and community programs.

Sheltering Wings Center for Women

Sheltering Wings provides emergency housing for survivors escaping domestic abuse. We build stable and independent lives through essential programs offered in a supportive and Christ-centered environment.

Kids In Danger

Kids In Danger (KID) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting children by fighting for product safety. KID was founded in 1998 by the parents of sixteen-month-old Danny Keysar who died when a portable crib collapsed around his neck in his Chicago childcare home. Although the portable crib had been recalled five years earlier, word of its danger had not reached Danny’s parents, caregKID’s mission is to save lives by enhancing transparency and accountability through safer product development, better education and stronger advocacy for children. We fulfill our mission by reaching out to caregivers to spread safety awareness and recall information, serving as a watchdog on regulatory agencies and manufacturers, and working with designers and engineers to make safety a top priority

Office of the Public Guardian, Inc.

The Office of Public Guardian, Inc. , (OPG) serves adults with mental and/or physical disabilities as their court-appointed legal guardian when they are incapable of managing some or all of their affairs. The Office of Public Guardian, Inc. was established to act as a substitute decision-maker for those persons in the big bend area who are functionally impaired to the extent that they require the protection of court intervention. The OPG provides quality public assistance in the form of guardianship services to vulnerable adults adjudicated incapacitated who have no family, friends, or resources to obtain a private guardian. Through the provision of public guardianship services and under the direction of the court, the OPG strives to: enhance quality of life, employ “substituted judgment,” acting as the person would have when making decisions in their best interests, protect against abuse, neglect and exploitation, and safeguard and exercise the fundamental civil rights of the people we serve guardianship is a serious step! Just because the person has a disability does not mean he or she needs a guardian. Guardianship is inappropriate if there are other alternatives such as a durable power of attorney, medical proxy, public benefits’ representative, etc.

Indigenous Education Foundation of Tanzania

Through the highest-quality holistic education, we equip youth to become leaders in their communities. IEFT operates Orkeeswa School, a community- based secondary school located in an under- served Maasai village in the Monduli Hills of northern Tanzania. By offering our students a diverse array of programs, opportunities and resources, we are developing a generation of well-rounded and inspired leaders in Orkeeswa Village, who are equipped and motivated to make a positive impact on their communities. Each member of IEFT's international and Tanzanian staff is dedicated to supporting the growth and development of Orkeeswa's over 270 students.

Women's Housing Coalition

The Women's Housing Coalition supports families and individuals with permanent and affordable, service enriched housing. We are dedicated to breaking the cycle of homelessness for women and children. The WHC serves homeless, low-income women with disabilities and families. In addition to housing, WHC services include case management, advocacy and life skills training. Services are tailored to meet the needs of each woman or family and are based on their individual situations and goals.

National Institute Of Family And Life Advocates

NIFLA was founded in 1993 to provide professional legal assistance to pro-life pregnancy centers, which now number nearly 3,000 nationwide. These centers exist to provide alternatives to abortion for women considering abortion. NIFLA concentrates its efforts in assisting centers with their day-to-day legal needs and providing assistance to centers to convert their counseling operations into life-affirming medical clinics staffed by professional health care providers. NIFLA promotes the use of ultrasound under the supervision of a licensed physician to inform women in crisis pregnancies of the life within them so that they can make an informed choice regarding their pregnancy. NIFLA provides legal counsel, resources, and training to centers that desire to make such a conversion.

Shoulder to Shoulder, Inc.

Our Mission: To work together with our communities to create, implement, equitably accesible, sustainable health, nutrition, and education services. Our Vision: People of the Frontera in Intibuca, known as the Dry Corridor of Intibuca, Honduras, live longer, healthier, more productive and fulfilling lives in a strong community. Our Values: We treat patients, students, and visitors with respect. We provide prompt and effective treatment as appropriate. We provide information to people and communities in need. We are honest and transparent with patients, communities, and donors. We take proper care of resources. We have skills to do the work, and we train and develop people. We partner effectively with governments, other NGOs, and citizen groups. We strive for excellence. We are results-oriented. We are a team and show mutual respect within the organization. Our organization prohibits discrimination in employment, educational programs, and activities on the basis of race, national origin, color, creed, religion, sex, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or associational preference.

Global Girls Inc.

Global Girls mission is to equip girls of color with skills that nurture their individual growth and inspire them to use their talents for positive change in their communities and throughout the world. We provide a safe space where participants learn performance, communication and social/emotional skills. Our curriculum is grounded in positive youth development best practices stemming from research in child and adolescent development. The overwhelming consensus is that youth need the following key assets to thrive and become healthy productive adults: 1. Safe environment 2. Supportive environment 3. Interaction 4. Engagement 5. Youth-centered policies and practices 6. High expectations The lessons helps youth develop critical thinking skills as they investigate their issues and seek solutions. Each program participant acquires dance, acting and story crafting skills while also reinforcing essential habits such as resiliency, empathy, self-discipline and grit. The result is socially conscious, youth-driven theatre that gives voice to participant's issues and concerns.

First Witness Child Advocacy Center

To strengthen our community’s response to child abuse.

CASA Of San Mateo County

The mission of CASA of San Mateo County is “to ensure that all children under the protection of the court have a consistent and caring adult who speaks on their behalf and helps them reach their full potential”. Aware of the extreme trauma experienced by children and youth who have been severely abused and neglected, taken from their homes and overburdened Child Welfare System, CASA of San Mateo County pairs a compassionate, dedicated and trained individual with a child or youth, who is in the foster care and/or delinquency system, providing the child/youth with stability, consistency and a sense of normalcy while ensuring that the child/youth needs are met in a timely and appropriate manner.

Center for Health & Learning

Our Vision: To serve as the nation's catalyst, inspiring optimal health for all. Our Mission: To build a foundation for healthy communities, through educational resources, professional development and practice improvement, research, policy development, evaluation, and consult. Our Guiding Principles: *Equity and Access *Evidence and Outcomes-based Practice *Innovation *Collaboration *Community-oriented Our Goals & Activities In our endeavor to achieve systemic and sustainable change through education, policy and environmental strategies, we: *Offer regional trainings and technical assistance through grant funding from federal, state and private agencies *Provide site-based trainings and technical assistance on request from school districts and community organizations *Develop online programs, student learning modules and curricula *Assist with professional licensure, CEU and graduate-level credit *Create strategic partnerships with other non-profit organizations and school systems CHL is an outgrowth of an initiative by the Center for Disease Control's Division of Adolescent and School Health to build local capacity for school and community health promotion through training centers that foster and deliver high-quality professional development and practice improvement initiatives. We have substantial experience designing and delivering projects, conferences and professional development opportunities. From instruction and technical assistance to research and report writing, curricula creation and evaluation resources, CHL has served over 20,000 professionals and community members, delivered services for more than 100 projects and developed and promoted numerous local and statewide comprehensive and coordinated strategic health initiatives. CHL has the following current programs and projects: 1. Suicide Prevention- * CHL supports state-wide suicide prevention efforts through the Vermont Suicide Prevention Center, a public/private partnership which seeks to foster a sustainable approach to suicide prevention in Vermont. *CHL manages the VT Suicide Prevention Coalition consisting of representatives from public health, education, state agencies, advocacy groups, youth, mental health services, and survivors. *CHL manages, develops and oversees state-wide suicide prevention trainings including Gatekeeper Training, a Zero Suicide Practice Institute and the Collaborative Assessment for the Management of Suicidality (CAMS) trainings; *CHL coordinates the VT Gun Shop Project in collaboration with the VT Department of Mental Health. *CHL implements the Zero Suicide approach in Vermont and coordinates Zero Suicide Pilot Projects. *CHL and the VT Suicide Prevention Center coordinate the annual Vermont Suicide Prevention Symposium, a cross-agency statewide event that brings together professionals across all sectors for a day of learning from national experts on critical topics and skills in suicide prevention, treatment, and recovery. 2. Prevention Training and Workforce Development - CHL coordinates and implements Substance Abuse Disorder prevention trainings and workforce development activities for the Vermont Department of Health/Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs for Regional Prevention Partnership professional staff. 3. Annual Symposia and Conferences: In addition to the Suicide Prevention Symposium, our cornerstone event, CHL assists with the coordination of annual Symposia and Conferences for various partners including the following events: o 4th Annual College Symposium on Substance Use o Community Solutions to the Opiate Issues Facing Vermonters for the VT Department of Health o Substance Abuse Workforce Development Conference for the VT Department of Health. 4. CHL Proprietary and Fee for Service: CHL has several proprietary programs developed and implemented by the organization: *Umatter Suicide Prevention for Schools and Umatter for Staff and Family Awareness -CHL developed this best practice training for school and community settings. *Umatter for Youth and Young Adults Mental Health Wellness Promotion and Community Action--CHL is moving the focus on mental health "upstream" from intervention and crisis to promotion and prevention (self-care, coping and communication skills, etc.). *Community / School District Trainings--CHL provides professional development, technical assistance and support for the implementation of coordinated approaches to school health, and conducts training on mental health, suicide prevention and alcohol, tobacco, sexual health and other critical health topics. *Family Engagement- CHL is building an initiative to promote effective practices for Family Engagement - an emerging interest across sectors