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femLENS' mission is to visually educate and make technologically aware the most vulnerable and resourceless women of our society through documentary photography made accessible by mobile phone cameras and cheaper point and shoot cameras.

Associazione pro Terra Sancta

pro Terra Sancta is committed to preserving the cultural heritage and supporting the local communities in the contexts in which it operates, supporting the work of the Franciscan Friars of the Custody of the Holy Land, and local charitable works at the service of the weakest. In addition, the Association is committed to providing humanitarian aid to all those who join find in need, operating with the desire to meet everyone regardless of all religious affiliation, social status and ethnic origin. Participating in the work of pro Terra Sancta means, in particular, loving and live a lasting bond with the Holy Places and the ancient Christian communities, involving itself in the various religious, historical-cultural and social aspects. In particular, the works of the Association must be constantly supported and guided by the following principles: (1) love for the fate of each person you meet; (2) constant dialogue with all those involved in the on-site projects in order to get to know the reality of the place and identify needs and opportunities, so from define possible development processes; (3) sharing of decisions regarding strategies to adopt and projects to implement; (4) promotion of initiatives identified as priorities; (5) involvement of supporters, so that they can significantly contribute to the work of pro Terra Sancta.

International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation

The IBC, International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation was founded in 1999 to provide input in improving the lives of the people suffering, especially the most disadvantaged section of the world population and this initiative turned into foundation, which is officially registered to Turkish Laws and Regulation as NGO permitted for international activities with registration number 4820. IBC's strengths upon three core elements; - General Assembly's and Board of Director's vision embracing all human beings without discrimination and awareness of the necessity for the civil society to actively contribute in the healthy development of the society itself. - Existing cooperation schemes with local, national and international actors and the willingness to improve and enlarge these ties. - IBC's organizational structure characterized by transparency and accountability, flexibility, open to communication and cooperation, functional and cross-functional working and considerable autonomy in decision-making. In the years, with the aim and intention to increase its effectiveness internationally, IBC became a member of ICVA International Council of Voluntary Agencies having its headquarters in Geneva on April 2003. On the 13th General Assembly held on March 2006, IBC was elected to the Board of Directors of the organization. IBC has applied to UN Economic and Social Council to have Special Consultant Status in order to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies in cooperation with other NGOs. The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) serves as the central forum for discussing international economic and social issues, and for formulating policy recommendations addressed to Member States and the United Nations system. "The Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations" of IBC has been approved on July 2006.