Pledge to make a difference, together.


2001 L ST NW STE 500,
WASHINGTON DC 20036-4955,

| EIN: 20-3074517

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$160 raised via 4 donations

Our Mission

TrustAfrica is an independent foundation that strives to secure the conditions for democratic governance, equitable development and African philanthropy. They convene dialogues, award grants, build knowledge, and provide technical assistance to advance these goals. TrustAfrica is led by seasoned professionals from over a dozen countries across Africa and the Diaspora. They operate from a conviction that Africans must set the agenda for the continent’s development and take the lead in implementing it. Their theory of change holds that greater citizen engagement in political and economic governance enables societies to become more stable, more prosperous, and more equitable. They operate from a firm belief in democratic principles and a deep commitment to social justice.

Our Impact

Causes We Support

Countries We Serve

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